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Announcements Club (6th-8th)

Logo for the STEM Lab AV Club

Request to be in the announcements by filling out the Google Form below. You can request to read the news for the day, receive a shout out, or record a special feature. Special features can be anything from highlighting a club you participate in to sharing something about your families' culture.

Form to Request to be in the Announcements


Who:  6th-8th grades

What:  Announcements Club

When:  Mondays 8/19-5/19 from 12:33pm-1:08pm (during MS lunch)

Where:  Mr. Thompson's room #J122

Why: Students will be making the morning announcements in this club. They will learn how to write scripts, record and edit videos, and capture footage around the school.

How:  No sign up needed, drop in during lunch.  See flier for more info.