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Cocoa and Canvas (2nd-5th)

Who:  2nd-5th grades

What:  Cocoa and Canvas

When:  Tuesdays 12/3-12/17 from 3:15-4:15pm- Session 1- FULL

              Tuesdays 1/14-1/28 from 3:15-4:15pm- Session 2- Sign up below

Where:  Mrs. Schlueter's room #G117 

Why:  Students come in and enjoy warm hot cocoa while painting on canvas with friends.

How:  Sign up HERE for Session 2.. 

Fee:   A $3 fee will be assigned to the student's account for materials.  To pay the fee, go to

*DUE TO A HIGH DEMAND, THE FIRST 18 STUDENTS TO SIGN UP WILL RECEIVE A CONFIRMATION EMAIL STATING THEY GOT INTO THE CLUB.  Priority will also be given to students who did not make it into the first session.