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Cocoa, Canvas, and Crafts (KG and 1st only)

hot cocoa


Who:  KG and 1st grades only

What:  Cocoa, Canvas, and Crafts

When:  Tuesdays 12/3-12/17 from 3:15-4:15pm- Session 1- FULL

              Tuesdays 1/14-1/28 from 3:15-4:15pm- Session 2- Sign up below 

Where:  Mrs. Mao's room #G113 

Why:  Students will spend three Tuesday afternoons creating paintings on canvas and making winter crafts, all while enjoying freshly-made hot cocoa with friends.

How:  Sign up HERE for Session 2. 

Fee:   A $3 fee will be assigned to the student's account for materials.  To pay the fee, go to

*This club is limited to the first 15 students to sign up.