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Dudes on the Move (3rd-5th)


Who:  3rd-5th grades

What:  Dudes on the Move

When:  Tuesdays 10/22-11/12 (excluding 10/16) from 3:15pm-4:15pm

Where:  Mrs. Simpson's Room #F122.  Mrs. Briggs and Mrs. Trujillo will be there too!

Why:  Boys running club with SEL components, focusing on life balance, healthy living, and healthy relationships. The 5k race at the end provides a connection with families, the club provides an opportunity to work on SEL skills such as building friendships, recognizing emotions, and strategies to control impulses.

How:  Sign up HERE.

**There is no fee for participating in Dudes on the Move. At the end of the season we will participate in the 5k Candy Run in Wash Park. This is optional. The cost for students is $35. Guardians do not need to sign up for the race, but if they choose to do so, the cost for adults is $40.