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Mountain Biking Club (6th-8th)

mountain biking

Who:  6th-8th grades

What:  Mountain Biking Club

When:  Wednesdays (with one ride on a Saturday)

             8/28: Parents Meeting -3:15pm in the Library (Mandatory)

             9/4: Skills Practice -After school- 3:15pm-4:30pm

             9/11: Skills Practice -After school- 3:15pm-4:30pm

             9/14 (Saturday):  Riding on trail.  Time TBA.  Mr. Gonci will ride with us!

Where:  Meet Mrs. Jerding outside, next to the basketball courts. 

Why:  Participants will learn the basic skills of mountain biking by Mrs. Jerding, who is a certified BICP coach.  After two sessions after school, we will meet on Saturday September 14th to get out and ride on a trail!

How:  Sign up HERE.  *This club will be limited to 8 students.
