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"Musical" Club (2nd-4th)



Who:  2nd-4th grades

What:  The "Musical" Club

When:  Wednesdays 11/13-2/5 from 3:15pm-4:15pm.  There will also be a Dress rehearsal on Tuesday 2/11 3:10-4:30pm and Performance on Tuesday 2/11 in the evening- details TBA.

Where:  Mrs. Kappler's room #D102 and Mr. O'Connor's room #D105 

Why:  The “Musical” Club is for 2nd-4th graders who would like to be a part of a team of musicians who sing, play instruments, dance, and act to create a musical for the stage.  Our musical this year is called “Whether the Weather” and includes songs, dances and skits that attempt to portray a typical year of weather in the state of Colorado.  We will have a final performance night where we perform our musical for families and the community.  This club is limited to 35 students.

How:  Sign up HERE