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Reptile Club- Advanced (7th&8th)



Who:  7th-8th grades

What:  Reptile Club (Advanced)

When:  Novices will meet on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month 9/13-4/25 (excluding 10/11) from 3:15pm-4:15pm

Where:  Mrs. Johnson-Nesbitt's room #H120.  Ms. A will be there too!  

Why:  Reptile club advanced is for students who have participated in at least one full year of reptile club.  Students will learn about reptiles, help with habitat development, and handle and care for the reptiles.

How:  Sign up HERE.

*A $20 fee will be assigned to the student's account for maintenance and care for the reptiles and enclosures.  To pay the fee, go to